Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Thanksgiving

I didn't go Boar hunting for Turkey Day but this is the little fellow that I seen near where I live. I am not sure if he was a pet or just a wild guy out for some food but he was on the side of the road eating grass. I have never seen pigs eat grass like this..... my memories of pigs on farms where them being feed "SLOP" which is anything and everything that people would collect from their kitchen or farm that might be edible.
Anyways, I am keeping a lookout for this guy, he seemed kinda friendly when I got close up so he might be someones pet?

I started the morning by attending the 10 mile Turkey Trot in town. I didn't register or actually start at the official start line, but I ran with the participants and enjoyed it. It was motivation to run and I didn't have to run alone.
Here are my legs in the sand while I stretched when I got to the beach afterwards....

It was so windy on the Turkey Trot, I knew that my surf spot would be a mess so I headed to the "West Side" (not all the way, cause it was really big) I stopped at a spot called "TRACKS" there was lots of people and it was really tiny surf, but I enjoyed being in the sunshine and sheilded from the strong winds. I got to chat with some folks in the water and that made it worthwhile.

I ended the day with a visit to the Movies with my friend Laura. We had a Thanksgiving Dinner of Movie Popcorn with some wine she snuck in the theater. Yummo!! We seen "BLIND SIDE" Oh wow, it was soooooooooo good. I would recommend this movie to everyone!

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